Tuesday 26 March 2019

KVS Admissions 2019 kvsonlineadmission.in

By Ojas Gujarat

KVS Admissions 2019: First merit list for Class 1 seats to be released today at kvsonlineadmission.in

The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) will be releasing the First Merit List for Class 1 Admissions 2019-20 today i.e. on Tuesday, 26th March 2019 on the official admissions portal for 2019-20 intake – kvsonlineadmission.in and on the respective websites of its schools. The selection of students for class 1 admissions will be done via an online lottery system, which will be held today at the premises of 1137 Kendriya Vidalayas across the country. Approximately 1 lac seats are up for grabs in the schools that come under the purview of KVS.

Students will be granted admissions on the basis of priority category. Once the candidates are shortlisted for KVS Class 1 Admissions 2019, the concerned Kendriya Vidyalayas will display the list of candidates on the school’s notice board and same will be uploaded on their respective official website.

First merit list for Class 1 seats to be released today at kvsonlineadmission.in

Parents, guardians and caregivers who’ve applied for the KVS Class 1 Admissions 2019 can visit the KV school premises or check the first merit list online to know the admission status for their ward. The second merit list for KVS Class I Admissions 2019-20 is scheduled to be released on 9th April 2019, in the event of seats remaining vacant after the admission process for students selected in first merit list is complete.

Similarly, KVS Class I admissions 2019-20 third merit list will be released on 23 rd April 2019 if seats are left available after the second merit list admissions are processed. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has also uploaded the schedule and lottery time slot for Region Wise RTE & Single Girl Child Lottery for KVS Admissions 2019-20, as per which, the online lottery will be processed today itself for students that fall under the category of Single Girl Child and Right To Education (RTE).


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